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Use of wallpapers in decoration | The Room Studio


Use of wallpapers in decoration


This week our allies to decorate spaces are the wallpapers. At the time to imagine our ideal space it is very common to find some doubts about materials, colours and textils to choose. People would find many doubts at the moment of executing ideas and deciding about style or design. One of the reasons could be that they don´t visualize the final result; maybe because the colours cannot work or the space will look reduce it, and others. Finally, most of them choose plain and simple designs.

The wallpapers are decorative elements that can transform an empty space in personals and amazing areas. There are many styles, but in The Room Studio we choose wallpapers join with the customers´ personalities and we look for the harmony to all the projects. We find to create and personalize unique houses, and their integration to any ambient will convert it in strong and a creative point to design. Our objective in the Studio is to change the perspective and we help our clients to decide the best choice for their houses and offices.

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 | The Room Studio
 | The Room Studio

It is very important to think, in the moment to choose the wallpaper, the furniture and complements that it wants to add to the space. The style, materials, geometry, illumination, orientation and application will influence the way to choose one style or another. If the spaces are impersonal and neutrals, collocate a wallpaper design allow to play with the rest of the elements and will be a success. The function of the space where will be collocate it is decisive to know which one choose, either by its composition or by its properties.

In addition to exist wallpapers with different prints and colours; the texture is also a very important characteristic that can bring delicacy and elegance to the environment. The experiences that are breathed by touch are as impressive as can be visually, that is why sometimes we opt for textile papers that help us to join these characteristics. For example, if the environment is focusses on the children should know some properties: easy to wash and remain stains, easy to change and put a new one, adapt it at the same time that they are growing with their personality. We believe in the functionality, adapting the technique to other spaces more personals or professionals, like offices, hotels and restaurants.

To finish we will show you different styles and forms of wallpapers used it in some of our projects, special and risky spaces. We hope you enjoy it!

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 | The Room Studio
 | The Room Studio
Author: Meritxell Ribé