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New exhibition in Espai París | The Room Studio


New exhibition in Espai París


From next November 5 to April 30, The Room Studio hosts the latest exhibition by Joana Santamans.

The Catalan artist exhibits again in the Espai París of Meritxell Ribé – The Room Studio to present the collection “Presències” made in oil. With a total of 6 pieces, this production is about the disturbing presence of animals and, above all, its mysterious look.

Joana Santamans has defined what this new series means to her: “Painting I feel that everything flows and the time stops. I need a lot of quiet and silence. For me, artistic creation is a deepening similar to meditation.

This time I have tried new brush strokes, new densities and the large format that has always captivated me as if it were wrapped around me. These paintings are the largest I have never made in oil.

I have been lucky to find the time and space to paint this new series that revolves around the disturbing presence of these animals who share the planet with us. I am very interested in their eyes. The look of the animals seems very mysterious to me, totally present and at the same time empty. It is like a window that connects us to the other dimension, like a tunnel that leads us to the magma of life.

“The experience of painting helps me to understand existence. I feel that I have only to approach a work that is already done: art is a pale approach to beauty and the mystery of nature. Art makes me walk.”

We are waiting for you at our Gallery Store in Calle Paris 171 to enjoy the series “Presències – Oli sobre Fusta” by Joana Santamans.

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 | The Room Studio
 | The Room Studio
Author: Meritxell Ribé