Exhibition Geister und Götter | The Room Studio


Exhibition Geister und Götter


The Room Studio in collaboration with Victor Lope Gallery, presents a solo exhibition by Berlin/Bali based artist Max Gärtner. ‘Geister und Götter’ guides the audience through a narrative involving captivating characters and symbols. These other worldly yet eerily familiar ‘beings’ represent the artists’ ongoing creative journey to decipher his place as an observer and participant in an interconnected and culturally complex existence.

Max Gärtner’s work draws inspiration from facets of spirituality and creation in human civilization. Bali, an island known for its highly rooted and ingrained animistic beliefs became a part-time home for Gärtner after an unexpected journey to the Island 8 years ago.

The Spanish/German artist found a sense of strange commonality within the island’s rich cultural landscape. This bond exponentially grew the more he dedicated time and creative energy towards discovering it’s unique spiritual narrative.  In Bali, works of art are traditionally created as part of a dialogue between worshipers and gods. This act of story-telling and reverence as an art form is evidently explored in Gärtner’s paper cuts and wooden sculptures.

Much like his subject matter, Gärtner’s pieces are visually unique and captivating. The role of each line is paramount in his work. Every stroke holds an important and unshakable space within the form presented. A powerful presence is embodied through complex relationships of interrelated contours. The creation process involves distinct and time-intensive practices. After the artworks are conceptualized and drawn, they are either hand-carved out of wood using traditional tools and techniques or transferred to paper and intricately hand-cut, formed and mounted.

You can find this new Geister und Götter series on Paris 171 (08036, Barcelona). Consult previously to visit the exhibition.

 | The Room Studio
 | The Room Studio
 | The Room Studio
Author: Meritxell Ribé